Solar Power

PEK offers comprehensive turnkey solutions for solar power plants, both connected to a power grid (grid tie) or isolated systems (off grid).


Our services include the design, construction, and installation of photovoltaic generation plants ranging from 100 kWph to over 1 MWph.


We provide three standard types of solar power plants, with the capacity to exceed 1 MWph through specific projects. The PEK Mini Solar Class 100-500 generates 100 to 500 kWph and is suitable for various applications such as houses, apartment buildings, isolated consumers (with batteries), communication systems (with batteries), alarm systems (with batteries), internal building lighting (connected to the local distribution company), external lighting systems (connected to the distributor site), garages, commercial buildings, shopping malls, and office buildings.


The PEK Solar Class 500-1000 generates 500 to 1,000 kWph (1 MWph) and is perfect for existing large buildings, new buildings (Green Buildings), industrial plants, and large warehouses. For larger installations, we offer industrial installations or Solar Farm Type in Class 1MWph-100MWph, or larger, which will be a project-specific object.


PEK's PEKSOLAR Division provides full support to clients before the local distributor of electricity, project approval before the local engineering board, and may act before the environmental authorities for large installations.


We serve clients in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Peru, and Colombia. Our team can prepare feasibility studies, designs, and construction plans for your PV solar system to maximize your fiscal benefits and cost reduction.


Visit the websites of the regulatory authorities and your local electricity distributor for more information. Contact us to learn how we can help you achieve your sustainable energy goals with our reliable solar power solutions.