

The portfolio of roadway projects include some hundreds of kilometres of unpaved and paved roadways in almost all the terrains existing in Brazil. From the green forest in the Amazonia to the dry regions of the northern states or the southern portion of the country.

The experience of the company include since preliminary route selection based in satellite imagens, geotechnical studies, location of the main lines, basic design, geotechnical investigation, detailed engineering and cost estimates. The roadways have been designed for state owned companies and private companies involved with mining infrastructure.

Services offered:


- Route definition

- Geometrical design

- Geotechnical Design

- Completed Pavement Recommendations and Materials Design

- Surveying

- Roadway Design

- Hydraulics Design

- Bridge Design

- Structure Design (including retaining wall & noise wall design)

- Signing, Lighting, Pavement Marking, and Signal Design

- Construction Plans

- Construction Support

- Environmental

- Cost estimates

- Construction support