Research & Development 


Laboratories & Pilot Plant

Our company develop part of its R&D activities in association with the Center of Mineral Technology - CETEM of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil,  through a technology partnership. All laboratories and systems available to mineral research at CETEM are also available for development of the offered services.


Minerals & Metals

- Iron ore

- Gold minerals

- Base metals


- Industrial minerals

- Uranium

- Coal


Process Circuits

- Crushing

- Grinding

- Flotation

- Thickening

- Filtering


- HL



- Dry tailings

- Paste

- Filtering



- Thickening

- Centrifugation


Disposal Methods

- Thickened and paste

- Dry stacking

- Co-disposal (coarse waste, slags, other solid wastes)


Dams & Reservoirs

- Earth and concrete gravity dams

- Water reservoirs


Land Restoration

- Rehabilitation of land while mining

- Regreening programs

- Landscaping